Firstly, my friend Bethany has kindly given me her copy of 'Will Grayson, Will Grayson' by John Green and David Leuithan. I am really excited to read it knowing that she loved it so much. Plus, after reading both 'The Fault In Our Stars' and 'Looking For Alaska,' I have become a huge John Green fan. Bethany also bought me a really cute notebook. Knowing that I am really into writing, she thought it would be the perfect gift for me.
Secondly, my very talented friend Lucy drew me this amazing picture of myself and Josh Franceschi. For those of you who don't already know, my favourite band are You Me At Six and I have a slight love/obsession for Josh. I really love this sketch and I am going to buy a cute frame for it so I can display it proudly in my bedroom!

My friend Danielle got me these wonderful goodies. Everybody who knows me is aware that my alcoholic beverage of choice is vodka. I am looking forward to my next night out so that I can crack open this bottle. I am also addicted to Drumstick Squashies and Galaxy chocolate so I am definitely going to be pigging out over the next few days.
In addition, my parents got me a bottle of 'Reb'l Fleur' by Rihanna but I forgot to photgraph this! This is my all time favourite perfume and I use it almost every day. I cannot really explain the smell to you but it is gorgeous. This is probably about the fourth bottle I have gotten now, as everybody knows how much I love it! I definitely recommend to all of my readers. My parents also got me two really cute matching underwear sets but I have decided not to include them ;)
Overall, I have had a wonderful birthday and I am so thankful for all of the gifts that my friends and family have bought me. It makes me realise how much I appreciate them and how much they care for me. I am one lucky girl :) Thank you all for reading!